The Entrepreneurial Liberal

Archive for the month “May, 2015”

Why the Bernie Sanders White House bid is a gift for Hillary

Bernie SandersSome say that Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders decision to run for the White House in 2016 is a problem for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. Sanders is a rarity in this blow-dried world of smooth-edged talking head politics.  He is an unreconstructed Lefty who is never afraid to say what he thinks.  At the very least, nobody can accuse him of being a card carrying Socialist—he freely admits to being one.

He has already raised nearly $2 million in the first 48 hours.

At the dawn of his political career, Sanders was a testament to the old notion, “If you try and fail, try, and try again.”  During the 1970’s Sanders finished dead last in a number of statewide elections, garnering roughly 2-3% of the vote. By 1987, he was elected Mayor of Burlington. In 1990 he was elected to Congress as an Independent.   With the retirement of another Independent, Jim Jeffords, Sanders won in a landslide.

Hillary Clinton is the ultimate Velcro candidate because everything that has happened to Obama’s two terms as well as her husband’s seems to stick to her.  Will Sanders cause headaches during Hillary’s caucus and primary bid?

Nonsense. Bernie Sanders entrance into the race will be a gift for Hillary Clinton.

Sanders’ entry will excite the Democratic liberal left not seen since the days of George McGovern.  When Sanders campaigns for Clinton in the general election, he will implore liberals to get off of their duffs and into a voting booth come November.  Roughly 35% of the Democratic caucus and primary voters are inclined to vote for somebody other than Hillary Clinton.  There are those who see her with suspicious eyes over the Iraq vote or are unconformable with the idea of a Clinton Restoration. Many among them are pining for somebody else, like Elizabeth Warren.  For them Sanders is close enough. Read more…

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